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Here’s where we keep you involved in what we’re up to, discuss current trends in landscaping management, and provide helpful tips for keeping up your own lawn and landscape. Feel free to comment and join in on the conversation!
Backyard Pavilions and Shade Structures
Backyard Pavilions and Shade Structures When the weather is great—as it often is here in Southern California—you want to spend as much time outside as possible. And with that comes adding amenities that [...]
Artificial Turf – It’s OK to Fake It
Artificial Turf – It’s OK to Fake It We can thank sports fields and the 70s for the bad rap that artificial turf gets when it comes to using it on our own [...]
Low Maintenance Landscaping
Low Maintenance Landscaping Landscape designers hear it all the time: “I need a landscape that is low maintenance.” But good designers know that their clients usually want a landscape that is beautiful, one [...]
Budget Design for Better Resale
Budget Design for Better Resale The housing market is hot right now, so you may be considering putting your home up for sale. If you are, your first thought probably goes to how [...]
Are You Overfertilizing Your Plants?
Are You Overfertilizing Your Plants? Nothing exemplifies the adage of “there can be too much of a good thing” like fertilization of our outdoor and indoor plants. And the home gardener can easily [...]
Fire and Water: How a Fire Sprinkler System Can Save Your Property
Fire and Water: How a Fire Sprinkler System Can Save Your Property All other major news stories aside, this summer has shown Southern Californians just how susceptible to fire damage our buildings are. [...]
What is Stymying Your Efforts to Control Weeds
What is Stymying Your Efforts to Control Weedsn As homeowners, our lawns are a source of pride. It’s the first thing we and our guests see when we pull up. It’s the surface [...]
Make a Plan – Why a Design Will Save Installation Headaches
Make a Plan - Why a Design Will Save Installation Headaches This is the year, you think, that your vision will come to life. You survey your backyard, knowing exactly what you want [...]
The Gift of Time: Using Winter to Plan for Spring
The Gift of Time: Using Winter to Plan for Spring Fall comes on with a certain melancholy for those who dread shorter days and colder nights, especially because they can mean less time [...]
Getting a Handle on Crabgrass in Southern California
Getting a Handle on Crabgrass in Southern California There is something here that homeowners share with those across most of North America. Crabgrass is the bane of residential lawns, despite being the right [...]