Best Practices for Strip Mall Landscaping

Provide seasonal color
Keeping planters filled with annuals that represent what’s currently in season gives the strip center an updated and well-maintained look. Not only that, but it puts shoppers in the mood for whatever buying season it is (think greenery at Christmas time). Lights in trees, too, might give the center a more festive appearance, especially on darker winter days.
Throw some shade
Several studies have proven that people shop longer when they’re comfortable. While this may seem like a no-brainer, there is additional data to suggest that trees, especially, can enhance the shopping experience by buffering sounds, providing cooling shade, and softening otherwise harsh surroundings. Plant or preserve shade trees where possible. Use containers and pots to create additional landscaping at the pedestrian level.
Have a seat
Keeping shoppers comfortable also means providing places for respite in between stores. Strip malls that have ample and convenient seating see longer visits by shoppers. But, be sure that these areas are inviting and intuitive. Seat walls can double as raised planters, but should be free of encroaching plants and far from prickly shrubs. Provide options for seats under canopies or shade trees, as well. Benches and other furnishings ought to be well maintained and appear sturdy and safe for use, as well.
There are 2 reasons most clients contact us: to bring drive-up appeal to their home or to replace their current gardener. We take these two reasons to heart. We understand how important your landscape is to you. We are experts on drive-up appeal, water conservation landscaping, seasonal and climate planting, irrigation, and much more.
Stay safe
Safety is a primary concern in all facets of strip mall maintenance and lacking a feeling of safety can deter shoppers from returning. As it applies to landscaping, shrubs need to be trimmed and kept off of sidewalks so pedestrians have ample room to walk without needing to use the parking and drive aisles. Intersections and crosswalks, too, ought to be evaluated regularly to ensure that shoppers and drivers have clear views of oncoming traffic before approach. Check sight triangles to see that they’re kept clear of large shrubs and trees, favoring instead plant material that does not exceed two feet in height. Plants also should not block lighting, particularly where it illuminates pedestrian pathways and building entries.
Maintain it
Again, keep it looking great. Install a landscape that is easy to keep up, with plants that most property managers know how to maintain. Professional landscape maintenance companies like SB Evolution Landscape can be a valuable partner in keeping the planted areas in tip top shape for retail tenants and their customers alike. Work with the maintenance company, too, to schedule watering, pruning, and using heavy equipment for hours when shoppers are less likely to be at the strip mall.
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