Tucker’s Grove
Location and climate
Seated between rolling agricultural lands on the west and the beauty of San Antonio Canyon Park on the right, the Tuckers Grove neighborhood is identified by private winding roads with homes that typically back up to public open space and trails. Set back from the coast at the foot of the San Ynez mountains, the terrain is rolling here, offering residents a place that feels private yet connected to the tight community that is developed within. Stunning views and a milder, Mediterranean-like climate make spending time outdoors a favorite pastime for its residents and visitors to the area.

Architecture and style
Landscapes are a complement to both the Spanish colonial and the rustic feel of the neighboring mountains. Outdoor living spaces capitalize on the topography, using elevation changes to create dramatic grand stairs, rock outcropping walls, and dry river beds. SB Evolution takes pride in creating these landscapes, from building them to putting a finishing touch on with plants that represent the local ecology.
Rough and dry, the conditions in Tuckers Grove lend themselves to a plant palette that favors succulents, grasses, and tough ground covers. Selections must be amenable to the warmer climate but also tolerant of arid environments.

Why we love working here
Blending the natural beauty of the mountains into the confines of a residential lot are the perfect reason for us to incorporate some of our favorite materials such as boulders, decorative gravel, and spiky desert plants.